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Things To Do 

Things to Do

No matter the season there is always fun to be had in Stockholm Wisconsin.

Heritage Woods

N1593 Bogus Road

Stockholm WI 54769


Proud Member of

West Coast of Wisconsin

Heritage Woods keeps honeybees, harvests honey, mentors new beekeepers, runs hands-on beekeeping workshops and presents native plant classes.

Our bees are kept locally in the Driftless Bluffs and produce honey that is raw, local and unprocessed.

We would love the opportunity to share our knowledge and experiences with you.

By Appointment Only

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YMCA Camp Pepin

W10915 E Lake Dr

Stockholm, Wisconsin

  (877) 395-7665

For more information click here

Proud Member of

West Coast of Wisconsin

In keeping with the mission, vision, and core values of the YMCA, Camp Pepin strives to provide a safe natural setting with modern facilities where individuals can develop an awareness and appreciation of themselves, each other, and the environment through hands-on learning sessions, cooperative exercises, recreational activities, and small-group living situations.

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Stockholm Park

Mill St.

Stockholm, WI. 54769

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Stockholm Museum

N2041 Spring Street

PO Box 628

Stockholm, WI 54769

Proud Member of

West Coast of Wisconsin

The Stockholm Institute, a/k/a the Stockholm Museum, is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation of

materials relating to the history of Stockholm, Wisconsin. Our tiny museum receives guests from around the world, many from Sweden.

Guests can research area history and family lineage using histories provided by area families, and enjoy our “Gardesgard,”

or traditional Swedish pole fence, common throughout Scandanavia.

Materials may be photographed, but not removed from the museum.

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About US

Travel Stockholm WI the coziest village with extraordinary food, art, and charm. We are looking forward to your visit. 


© 2023 by Travel Stockholm WI. 

Contact Information:
Travel Stockholm WI.
P.O. Box 620 Stockholm, WI. 54769
Phone: 612-308-1714

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